Saturday, December 27, 2008

Will you give yourself 2 minutes?

Ok, just to be fair, it is 2 minutes, 30 seconds! So splurge on the extra 30 seconds and see if you feel any differently.

Anyway, Christmas has come and gone for another year. This was truly a wonderful Christmas for us all. My family focused this year on celebrating all that we have in a changing world - we create and become the glue that holds us all together, giving comfort and strength \to one another when needed. We are truly blessed to have had great moments, wonderful memories (a graceful "bye-bye" ending), great food and hope for the coming year.

While I never want to wish Christmas to hurry, I was physically aware of the toll it took this year. For the past 2 weeks, I planned to rest my body and mind on the 26th and I did! And yes, I was the quintessential couch-potato queen and proud of it! I do not do that often and so, I'm proud of myself for taking it. Stayed in the jammies, never venturing far from the couch and the TV! Mindless, dribble. No laundry, minimal cooking and only walked outside for good phone reception when I spoke with my sister or grandmother.

Several gifts come to mind from my lazy yesterday - I got it out of my system! I relished it, enjoyed it and immersed myself in it. I feel good today. I don't feel deprived or lazy at all! And, today, I've pretty much gotten back on track and the house is quiet while I work. I've been up for a very long while (the joys of getting a few more years under the belt, I hear) and feel that I've accomplished a lot.

So, did you take time to watch the video? I am very aware that time is of the essence in our world and every moment is precious. I'm challenging myself to create more powerful, thoughtful, creative moments for myself in 2009. By creative, I do not necessarily mean task-oriented. I mean creative moments that nurture and guide and enliven our spirits! Will you join me on this journey? How many minutes a day can you ~ WILL YOU ~ commit to self-care? Perhaps you'll come back here and watch my relaxation clip? Perhaps you'll visit my calming mall and give yourself 7-10 minutes of spoken word meditation or music to fall back on. Today's video music is "Pure Drift", a new piece of music that will soon be available for download.

Nurturing. The Nurtured Heart Approach to parenting challenges that a mere 600 seconds a day can change your child's behavior patterns - that's a mere 10 minutes, folks and it does work! So, here you are, taking 120-150 seconds for yourself. Can you feel the change? Perhaps in your pinky finger, your left ear lobe, the shoulders that dropped a centimeter lower than the moment before? I'm asking you to consider the tiny changes that you can make toward your greater good, your greater peace.

I used to practice yoga and loved it so very much. I'm longing to return to it for all the good that it does a body, mind and spirit. On occasion, I remember that you can deepen a yoga pose by breathing into it, lengthening and strengthening the muscles gently, not forcefully. I invite you to gently move into some new practices this year. How many years have we 'resolved' to lose weight, quit smoking, do something and the force simply was not lasting, leaving us feeling tired, frustrated and failed. Go gently into this new year. So many things we cannot change in our greater world. Let me help you make the tiny, significant changes that allow you to better cope with all that we cannot change. Breathe deeply. Rest well.

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