Sunday, July 13, 2008

Energy Parenting

How might your life have been different if the important people in your life had noticed and applauded each and every success? Would you think and believe differently about yourself? Would your self-esteem and confidence level be higher?

"The Official Online Learning Center for Howard Glasser's Nurtured Heart Approach".

How very exciting this is for the world! Expansion of the Nurtured Heart Approach on such a global level. I teach this approach and use it myself in my relationships with family, friends and clients. Initially the approach may feel awkward and in essence, it can are doing something completely new and different. And this is nothing that any of your friends and family have used or tried before. Congratulations! You are stepping out of the box and all in the name of doing something different for your child.

How many times has it been suggested that you give more consequences, be stronger in your response to your challenging child, control that child more/better? I am willing to be that not only did it not work as some would expect, it also left you feeling significantly-less-than-successful as a parent. Parenting is hard enough without feeling like a failure as well. Take heart! Help is here.

The Energy Parenting website is a useful tool for parents who seek to be all that they can be for their children. Utilizing the Learning Guides, Self-Tests and Evaluations, you are on your way to SUCCESS as an Energizing Parent.

Check out the website - the link is featured on the right. What have you got to lose except children who focus more energy on the negative behaviors than on how successful they are and can be?

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