Sunday, June 15, 2008

Speaking of money...

What do you think about money? Is it a necessary evil? A mountain to be scaled? Is the goal always on your horizon? Would you know when you'd attained your perfect relationship with money?

What are your earliest memories of money? Was there never enough? How did you learn to earn it, use it, save it? Do these questions bring up tension, fear, frustration and guilt? Perhaps there is writing on your walls that speaks volumes to you: "I deserve to have money.....BUT..." or "I'll be happy when I have a thousand, million, billion, gazillion dollars. Only, then I'll have to ....." Sometimes it's the writing on our walls that gets in the way of actually getting what you want. I can help you to overcome the writing on your walls using the emotional freedom technique. Learn to use this and perhaps get in touch with my friend, Dave Blancett ( and realize that the sky is indeed the limit. Don't let money, or the lack of it, stand in the way of your happiness. Take care as you consider who you are in relation to money. Until next time...

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