Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Lists

On Sunday mornings, my sister and I visit with our Nana.  She no longer attends church so we watch it with her on TV.

Lately it seems as though the majority of sermons are focused on  relationships. Joel, Kerry and Dr. Ed speaking on being good partners  in relationship with one another.

A couple of things stood out for me today.


So many lists out there,  being created with 'THE' way to save a marriage or relationship.   Today, it occurs to me that if it were that easy to fix something with someone else's list, then why do we still have  challenges? Now, the lists are great-most really do make very good  sense. And maybe hope comes from knowing about, or reading, the  lists. Seems to me that a problem lies with the number of lists that  are possible. And, that they are someone else's lists.

So the challenge of the day is this: create your list for yourself!
What are the Top 10 things YOU need to do to improve your rationship
with someone you love(ed) and cherish(ed)? Instead of expecting the
other person to change, do one thing differently yourself! Create the
ripple in the pond that can bring subtle, lasting change. Notice what
happens around you. Respond to the changes that you like, enjoy and
treasure! Dont just sit there waiting....make it happen!

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