Monday, January 5, 2009

"I've never been better!"

Are you frustrated? Overwhelmed? Tired? Melancholy?

If you stop to look at your minutes, days, or weeks, what do you see?

I, personally, want to remember how grateful I am, how blessed my life is each and every day. Today, I've been reminded of it twice and that says something to me.

Earlier today I had a conversation with an incredible woman, a great friend and inspiration in my life. She told me that she plans to distance herself from negativity in this coming year. We discussed how easily it is to get caught up in the negativity and get sucked into its grip. If we look at it that way, we have no power over our own lives. I believe that if we don't have power over our lives, then we are choosing to give it to another.

Who, or what, are you giving your power to when negativity strikes?

After dinner, I read an article by Karen Rauch Carter, author of "Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life" and I was reminded of this yet again.....does it take a tree falling to help me realize or remember this stuff? It's easy folks....let's get it, shall we. Karen brought up the fact that we were angry and complaining only 4-5 months ago about the price of gas. It probably created more conversations than the state of the weather. In the recent months, how many times have any of us expressed, out loud, our gratitude that the prices have fallen so drastically? I will admit that I have and yet, probably not as much as I should, or would like to. I want to encourage you to join me on a path toward daily gratitude.

We hear it from time to time - from Oprah down to little ole' me - BE GRATEFUL! Thank someone, something! What do we miss when we are busy complaining and being negative? Well, I'd be willing to bet we miss a lot of POSITIVITY because, well, negative begets negative and therefore......might positive beget positive?

So here's an, wait, before I suggest the experiment, let me tell you a story.

Years ago I worked for an agency in which I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to some incredible place with some really incredible people. It is a great set of memories in my life! Anyway, on several of these trips, there was a gentleman, one of the corporate guys and he was always so very pleasant. You'd say hello and ask how he was and inevitably he would answer "I've never been better!". I loved this! Every single time I saw him, or saw him greet someone else, this is what he said. And it visibly changed the situation, I observed.

So, I started saying it. Even on the days when I felt lower than low, angry, frustrated, tired, you-name-it, I would answer people in the manner of this great man - "Never better!". Instantly I would see a change in people as if they did not expect anyone to respond in this way. What a bittersweet thought, really. So, I say it and continue to get the same response and love that it seems to lift someone else's spirit. And further, it lifts my own. So, truly, I might be in a less-than-wonderful-mood, but when I say those simple words, I feel lighter and more hopeful, as if it could possibly be true. I make it so!

So let's return to the experiment. If you are reading my blog....well, first off - THANK YOU! And if you are reading this, I'd like you to try these two things, beginning tonight.

1. Be grateful. You have a computer from which to read. You know HOW to read. You are curious about the world and what other people might have to say which might be important to you and those you know. You are likely sitting in a climate controlled room, full from, or anticipating a good dinner. You will go to bed comfortably tonight. Perhaps you will simply be grateful that a not-so-great-day has ended. Be grateful.
2. Respond "Never better!" with ooomph when someone asks you how you are. You really don't need to expound on it - simply say it! Say it loud, say it proud. Observe any change in the energy around you both. Lift your spirits and then lift those of people around you! As in the movie - Pay It Forward.

Try this for a week. Let me know your experience. When you do, I'll gladly present you with a spoken word meditation of your choice from My Calming Mall. Go forth and spread POSITIVITY! Make it contagious!

Oh, and by the way, I'm grateful tonight. For all of the things listed above, for the ability to care for my grandmother, my clients, my friends. For the knowledge that self-care is vitally important and that even baby-steps in that direction are a complete and total success! I'm grateful for tomorrow. I'm grateful that we have the ability to change our world, even if it takes tiny, baby steps. I'm grateful for my life, my home, my family. For you taking the time to read this.

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