Thursday, February 21, 2008

Where does time go?

It's time to get back into blogging! It's a new year - well into the new year, I might add, and I've had so many thoughts about what to blog. I'm really enjoying my work this year. My work is more of a passion and yet, a passion that has not died out. Have you ever thought about that? We become passionate about things (or people) and then where are we when the passion, or fire, fades? If we are lucky, we've built enough and worked enough to keep things up for the long haul. And life is about work, isn't it? I don't mean the work we do to earn a living but the work that it takes to maintain family and relationship ties, friendships, passion for everyday life. I see so many people and families who are searching and yearning to get back to ...... something and often, they do not know what they are wanting to get back to. I love that I get to help people every single day to remember what they are seeking. More thoughts later.

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