Sunday, December 28, 2008
Relax into the new year....
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Will you give yourself 2 minutes?
Ok, just to be fair, it is 2 minutes, 30 seconds! So splurge on the extra 30 seconds and see if you feel any differently.
Anyway, Christmas has come and gone for another year. This was truly a wonderful Christmas for us all. My family focused this year on celebrating all that we have in a changing world - we create and become the glue that holds us all together, giving comfort and strength \to one another when needed. We are truly blessed to have had great moments, wonderful memories (a graceful "bye-bye" ending), great food and hope for the coming year.
While I never want to wish Christmas to hurry, I was physically aware of the toll it took this year. For the past 2 weeks, I planned to rest my body and mind on the 26th and I did! And yes, I was the quintessential couch-potato queen and proud of it! I do not do that often and so, I'm proud of myself for taking it. Stayed in the jammies, never venturing far from the couch and the TV! Mindless, dribble. No laundry, minimal cooking and only walked outside for good phone reception when I spoke with my sister or grandmother.
Several gifts come to mind from my lazy yesterday - I got it out of my system! I relished it, enjoyed it and immersed myself in it. I feel good today. I don't feel deprived or lazy at all! And, today, I've pretty much gotten back on track and the house is quiet while I work. I've been up for a very long while (the joys of getting a few more years under the belt, I hear) and feel that I've accomplished a lot.
So, did you take time to watch the video? I am very aware that time is of the essence in our world and every moment is precious. I'm challenging myself to create more powerful, thoughtful, creative moments for myself in 2009. By creative, I do not necessarily mean task-oriented. I mean creative moments that nurture and guide and enliven our spirits! Will you join me on this journey? How many minutes a day can you ~ WILL YOU ~ commit to self-care? Perhaps you'll come back here and watch my relaxation clip? Perhaps you'll visit my calming mall and give yourself 7-10 minutes of spoken word meditation or music to fall back on. Today's video music is "Pure Drift", a new piece of music that will soon be available for download.
Nurturing. The Nurtured Heart Approach to parenting challenges that a mere 600 seconds a day can change your child's behavior patterns - that's a mere 10 minutes, folks and it does work! So, here you are, taking 120-150 seconds for yourself. Can you feel the change? Perhaps in your pinky finger, your left ear lobe, the shoulders that dropped a centimeter lower than the moment before? I'm asking you to consider the tiny changes that you can make toward your greater good, your greater peace.
I used to practice yoga and loved it so very much. I'm longing to return to it for all the good that it does a body, mind and spirit. On occasion, I remember that you can deepen a yoga pose by breathing into it, lengthening and strengthening the muscles gently, not forcefully. I invite you to gently move into some new practices this year. How many years have we 'resolved' to lose weight, quit smoking, do something and the force simply was not lasting, leaving us feeling tired, frustrated and failed. Go gently into this new year. So many things we cannot change in our greater world. Let me help you make the tiny, significant changes that allow you to better cope with all that we cannot change. Breathe deeply. Rest well.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Stress Free Shopping?
Saturday, December 6, 2008
There are many causes, but recently, the economic climate and world events has led to an increase, as well the overall imbalance with our day to day lives…
Factors like too much work, not enough exercise and “downtime”.
While medications are one way to treat insomnia, there are other alternatives.
Let me outline these in this article and explain more about insomnia.
Insomnia is the sensation of daytime fatigue and impaired performance caused by insufficient sleep. In general, people with insomnia experience an inability to sleep despite being tired; a light, fitful sleep that leaves them fatigued upon awakening; or waking up too early.
Insomniacs often complain of being unable to close their eyes or rest their minds for any period of time. This author certainly knows what it’s like to have your mind racing at bedtime. In our stress-filled world, we are often plagued with unfinished to-do lists in our heads. When it’s quiet and time for sleep, many people have problems pushing those to-do lists aside in favor of dreamland.
The worst part of insomnia is wanting to sleep but being unable to. The mind races and is unable to rest and that makes you overly tired and barely able to function the next day. Sometimes insomnia lasts longer than just a few nights.
So what causes insomnia?
While there’s no one cut and dried reason why some people can’t sleep, most experts agree that insomnia is brought on by stress, anxiety, medications, and/or caffeine – among other things. Transient and short-term insomnia has many causes.
In one study, 20% of adults reported that light, noise, and uncomfortable temperatures caused their sleeplessness. Depending on the time of day too much or too little light can disrupt sleep.
Caffeine most commonly disrupts sleep. Nicotine can cause wakefulness. Quitting smoking can also cause transient insomnia.
Your partner’s sleep habits can also cause you to have insomnia. In one 1999 survey, 17% of women and 5% of men reported that their partner's sleep habits impaired their own sleep. Snoring can certainly be a factor in a partner's insomnia. In fact, in the same survey 44% of men and 36% of women reported snoring a few nights a week and of those who snored, 19% could be heard through a closed door.
Herbal remedies such as valerian root, kava kava, chamomile, lemon balm, St. John’s Wort, and passionflower have been used for insomnia for many years. However, the effectiveness and safety of these products has not been documented. Studies done on herbal remedies are often hard to interpret because they are inconsistent with standards of studies for regulated substances like prescription drugs.
According to the National Institute of Health, although the results of some studies suggest that valerian may be useful for insomnia and other sleep disorders, results of other studies do not. Interpretation of these studies is complicated by the fact the studies had small sample sizes, used different amounts and sources of valerian, measured different outcomes, or did not consider potential bias resulting from high participant withdrawal rates. Overall, the evidence from these trials for the sleep-promoting effects of valerian is inconclusive.
Even if studies report positive benefits from herbal remedies, the compounds used in such studies are, in most cases, not what are being marketed to the public. There have been a number of reported cases of serious and even lethal side effects from herbal products. In addition, some so-called natural remedies were found to contain standard prescription medication.
Using Stress Management and Relaxation…
Learning to be physically and mentally relaxed before going to bed will help you fall asleep more quickly. Additionally, many relaxation techniques can be put to use when you wake up in the middle of the night and need to get back to sleep.
Quieting your mind and body is not something that can be done immediately, so you should try to start winding down at least an hour before bed. Some people find that reading a book, taking a bath, playing solitaire or working a crossword puzzle are good ways to slow down from activity of the day.
Self-help strategies are usually effective and aren’t addictive. Using these alternatives to over-the-counter or prescription medication are less expensive than pharmacological treatment, have fewer side effects, and can provide longer lasting relief particularly when behavioral treatments are used as well.
Consider, too, altering your sleep environment. Put a board under your mattress if it sags or try putting your bed in a different position. Make sure your bedding is clean and that you are warm enough but not too hot.
If light troubles you, use thicker curtains or put a scarf or sleep mask over your eyes. If you feel more comfortable with a little light, leave the curtains open a little or use a night light.
A common cause of sleeplessness is noise. Use earplugs if it’s noise you can’t do anything about. Change your attitude toward the noise, too. People can sleep through high levels of noise. It’s not so much the level of the noise as it is how you feel about it that keeps you awake.
Use relaxation exercises to calm yourself and take your mind off of it. Take some diplomatic action to combat the noise that’s disrupting your sleep. If your family is being noisy while you’re trying to sleep, talk to them calmly about your need to sleep and ask them to please curtail the noise during bedtime hours.
Keep a radio or tape player by your bed and use it to mask other noise. Try playing a relaxation tape or CD such as nature noises that can put you in a calmer mood and make you better able to cope with distractions.
If you continue to have trouble getting to sleep for more than a few nights, you should speak to someone about it. Your local doctor or therapist can help, and provide you with a range of solutions.
Delee D’Arcy, MA, LPC, LMFT
3027 Marina Bay Drive, Suite 110
League City, Texas 77573
“Dream” CD - $19.95
To get your own copy of “Dream” including 4 meditations and 4 amazing and relaxing pieces of music, please call me or download directly from my calming mall.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
On Thanksgiving, we especially think about our Mom and how we now cook the holiday foods that she once prepared for us. To think of our Mom is to think of her in the kitchen, or on the back porch, as she took breaks during the preparation for the meal.
Our family continues to change and change is not always easy - that is essentially why many of my clients have choosen to begin therapy - due to changes in their lives. Our yearning for "how hings were" is not uncommon, nor is it wrong. I love that we are able to hold the memories that are special and significant to each of us. While I truly miss the people who no longer sit around our Thanksgiving table, I realize that there are lessons for me to learn in the losses. I can remember how they impacted my life and perhaps, I am more grateful for them in their absence than I was for them when they were very present in my life. That's certainly something to consider. I hopefully become even more aware that I want to celebrate even more the people as we do gather. In conversation yesterday with my Favorite Youngest Nephew, Andrew, we were reminded that perspective is so very important...we can focus on the people or things no longer in our lives, or we can be aware of all that remains constant and good in our lives. And I am so grateful for that. Imagine if all of the losses were compounded at once.
On a grander scale, I'm also remembering how this community of the Gulf Coast was & has been so recently impacted by Ike. These changes will be affecting all of us, in one way or another, for some years to come. I hold the memory of Galveston and the coastal communities as they slowly but surely rebuild.
Today I am thankful for: Brian, Debbie, Nana, Andrew, Matthew, Kelsie, Buster, Buddy and the newest addition, Bentley; Judy & Fred; Jodi, Dar, Gayle for loving Deb so much; Shelly & Tim for being wonderful, kind-hearted folks who shared Concan with us! I'm thankful for my health, my home, my opportunity to work with incredible people who trust me with their troubles and concerns, hopes and fears. I'm thankful for friends, near and far, Florida, Indiana, Tennessee, Arizona, Australia - although friends of the road, truly also friends of my heart.
I'm thankful that you believe there is something to read here and I hope your Thanksgiving day is full of joy. Remember to look for it.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Can you picture it? Can you feel it? I invite you to try. No, I invite you to make it happen.
Today! You might contact a therapist. You might even call me to schedule an appointment. You might just want 10, 20 or 30 minutes of serenity ~ RIGHT NOW!
Your wish is my command. Check out my wonderful selection of spoken word meditations to walk you through the process of calming and relaxing. Follow one of these with one or two beautiful and inspirational pieces of can choose between piano, guitar, new age or world music. Not sure what might go best together? Let me choose for you in a terrific set of collections - there's even one for the children in your life.If you are more of a visual person, then the video section is just for you! Make your choices and download immediately. Prefer the music put to CD? No worries, just give a call and I can create just the CD for you.
I'm sure that for some of you, in the back of your mind, you are aware that we've entered "the holiday eating zone" and you are equally aware that January 1 is historically the day to make significant changes to your eating and exercise regimen. What if you were to take the next 6 weeks and be ahead of the game! Download EZWalk onto your MP3 and off you go. You'll start of nice and easy at 10 minutes, 5 days/week and by 6 weeks, you'll be getting 30 minutes of good healthy walking.
And one more beauty about this program: new pieces are added monthly! Please take a look and I invite you to let me know what you think.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Stressed? Anxious? Overwhelmed? New therapy tools coming!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Laughter IS the best medicine
It's really infectious, isn't it?
When is the last time you laughed out loud - not simply LOL, but really LAUGHING OUT LOUD, tears-rolling-down-your-face-hard-to-catch-your-breath-because-you-are-laughing-so-hard?
I love to laugh out loud at a book. As I write this I am reminded of the books that made me laugh out loud, regardless of who was around and might hear me! Regardless of what they might think of me! I want to share these books with you because they are delightful - each in their own way and add joy to my life. Enjoy!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Why NOW is the essential time to use stress relief and management unless you want to suffer the consequences!
Because stress is a proven factor in life-threatening illness such as heart attack and stroke, and considering the added stress from the economy, it’s never been more important to learn how to deal with stress, and manage it in your life.
According to a study conducted by the American Psychological Association in 2007, one-third of Americans feel they are living with extreme stress. About half of Americans (48%) feel that their stress has increased over the past five years.
And it’s probably no surprise that money and work are the leading causes of stress (mentioned by three quarters of Americans).
So what can you do about it?
It all comes down to managing stress. It’s extremely difficult to avoid totally. In fact, some stress (in small, controlled amounts) is good, but letting it build up each day without an effective form of release is where the trouble begins.
“It doesn’t mean you need to meditate on a mountain top for 8 hours each day”, says Delee D’Arcy, a League City family therapist. What it does mean is the importance of 5-15 minutes of stress relief each day - it adds up in the long run. Therapy sessions offer you a chance to sit down with someone other than a friend or relative and feel heard. Therapy time is all about You!
“Effective stress management can be done in as little as 15 minutes a day, using the right tools and techniques.” Delee D’Arcy has just released a complete package of stress management tools, including a book, audios and videos that help you relax and distress for a short time each day.
“With workplace stress becoming even more prevalent, I’ve created these tools so that people can take a short “time-out” during a break at work. Getting the mind to focus away from their problems and helping people calm down and manage anxieties using breathing techniques is a skill that will reward you each day” says Delee D’Arcy, a therapist in practice since 1994.
Less stress in your life leads to better relationships; being more effective; being happier and being healthier.
With benefits like these, now is certainly the right time to get in control.
Delee D’Arcy, MA, LPC, LMFT
3027 Marina Bay Drive, Suite 110, League City, Texas 77573
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Good Therapist?
A website doesn't give you information like friends, family or your physician will. And yet, you may feel uncomfortable asking these folks for a referral - perhaps you are wanting to keep your reasons for seeking therapy PRIVATE! And indeed you should. In some cases, it seems that EVERYONE (I'm generally not into absolutes) has a therapist and so the notion of privacy has flown out of the window. I'm not suggesting that seeking a therapist is shameful. On the contrary, I simply want to acknowledge any concerns you might have.
Research has indicated that the therapist's style has less to do with movement and personal growth in therapy - of greater impact is the RELATIONSHIP one has with their therapist. Do you feel safe in the room? Do you trust that your "therapy space" is important to the therapist? Do you feel that your confidentiality will be maintained? These are all very important aspects of the therapy process.
Instead of recreating the proverbial wheel in this space, I would like to refer you to a website that I found this morning. I am impressed with the content of the article and pages in regard to choosing a good therapist. Check it out here: "How to Choose a Competent Counselor" I will continue to add some thoughts in relation to this article, but I believe that the essence of searching for, and choosing, a good therapist are certainly covered in this article.
If you need a good therapist, give me a call. Let's discuss if me and my space are right for you. If I am not the "good therapist" for you, I'll refer you to another who might be the one for you.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What do you notice?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Energy Parenting
"The Official Online Learning Center for Howard Glasser's Nurtured Heart Approach".
How very exciting this is for the world! Expansion of the Nurtured Heart Approach on such a global level. I teach this approach and use it myself in my relationships with family, friends and clients. Initially the approach may feel awkward and in essence, it can are doing something completely new and different. And this is nothing that any of your friends and family have used or tried before. Congratulations! You are stepping out of the box and all in the name of doing something different for your child.
How many times has it been suggested that you give more consequences, be stronger in your response to your challenging child, control that child more/better? I am willing to be that not only did it not work as some would expect, it also left you feeling significantly-less-than-successful as a parent. Parenting is hard enough without feeling like a failure as well. Take heart! Help is here.
The Energy Parenting website is a useful tool for parents who seek to be all that they can be for their children. Utilizing the Learning Guides, Self-Tests and Evaluations, you are on your way to SUCCESS as an Energizing Parent.
Check out the website - the link is featured on the right. What have you got to lose except children who focus more energy on the negative behaviors than on how successful they are and can be?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Speaking of money...
What are your earliest memories of money? Was there never enough? How did you learn to earn it, use it, save it? Do these questions bring up tension, fear, frustration and guilt? Perhaps there is writing on your walls that speaks volumes to you: "I deserve to have money.....BUT..." or "I'll be happy when I have a thousand, million, billion, gazillion dollars. Only, then I'll have to ....." Sometimes it's the writing on our walls that gets in the way of actually getting what you want. I can help you to overcome the writing on your walls using the emotional freedom technique. Learn to use this and perhaps get in touch with my friend, Dave Blancett ( and realize that the sky is indeed the limit. Don't let money, or the lack of it, stand in the way of your happiness. Take care as you consider who you are in relation to money. Until next time...
Do your emotions ever overwhelm you?
I've begun to research and use a technique known as Emotional Freedom Technique (see, on myself and on clients, family and friends with some really incredible success.
What is EFT?
Created by Gary Craig, EFT is based on a new discovery regarding the body's subtle energies. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture, except needles aren't necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. It launches off the EFT Discovery Statement which says...
"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."
And because our physical pains and diseases often appear to be connected with our emotions the following statement has also shown merit...
"Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."
This common sense approach draws its power from (1) time-honored Eastern discoveries that have been around for over 5,000 years and (2) Albert Einstein, who told us back in the 1920's that everything (including our bodies) is composed of energy. These ideas have been largely ignored by Western Healing Practices and that is why EFT can work where nothing else does.
More benefits await you...
You can make enormous strides by introducing EFT into your emotional therapy process (whether you are a professional or a client). Instead of taking months or years using conventional "talk therapy," EFT often does the job for you cleanly and thoroughly in one or two sessions ... and we often achieve noticeable results in a few brief rounds of EFT. We label these near-instant results as "one minute wonders." Do EFT properly and you will likely experience them 50% of the time.
Once you have seen how well EFT clears out emotional debris, your next step is to notice how physical ailments start to fade. Headaches, back pains and other discomforts often tend to improve or vanish. Your vision may become clearer and everyday stress takes less toll on your system.
Accordingly, you can apply it to just about everything. That is one of the most astonishing things about it. You use the same basic procedure for your fear of public speaking as you do for improving your golf score. You can also use it for everything from the common cold to multiple sclerosis (consult your physician, of course). Further, we have had reported successes for nearly every emotional issue on the books...including fear, trauma, depression, grief and schizophrenia. Some consider it the missing link in the pursuit of health and happiness. Once you truly recognize the Universal nature of EFT you will may wish to join our growing throng of enthusiasts.
Possible EFT limitations
I'm not saying here that EFT is perfect. We don't get 100%. But it usually works well and the results are sometimes spectacular. It can work where nothing else does and it represents a Doorway to a new Healing High-Rise.
You will find that EFT is usually quite gentle and you can often achieve substantial relief with little or no pain. This is not true for everyone, however. Some people's issues are so intense that the mere mention of them causes emotional or physical pain. But, given time, even these may be resolved efficiently with EFT.
A small percentage of our population (best estimate is less than 3%) have serious emotional and physical disabilities and thus newcomers to EFT are advised to exercise common sense in this regard. While you can use EFT to generate impressive relief for many people, please consult qualified health practiitioners where appropriate and don't go where you aren't qualified.
I have really observed amazing results with this approach. For me personally, I have a knee that is lacking a significant amount of cartilege and therefore really hurts a lot of the time. In fact, for years I've experienced periods of time where the pain is so strong that I will often limp. After a round of EFT, I can walk easily, smoothly and without any indication of a limp. I've even been able to minimize or stop Brian's snoring! Ask me about that one! If you would like more information, or an opportunity to work with me on reducing the stressors or old strong feelings, give me a call. I'm working on introductory workshops and will post new information soon.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Are you a strong financial person?
Dave Blancett, of Blancett Financial Counsulting (, contacted me recently. Knowing that his services could benefit some of my clients, we scheduled a time to meet. Upon meeting Dave, I really liked and appreciated his knowledgeable and laid-back approach to financial planning. I decided that the best way to determine who of my clients might best benefit from Dave's services, I asked him to help me!
Like most financial planners, Dave reviewed my monthly income, spending and wishes for travel and some fun along the way! The program that he provided is very comprehensive, easy to read and smooth to use - I especially like that he took the time to teach me a few Excel "tricks" that I've enjoyed using. Mostly, I like seeing that personal financial security is not that far away. It also allows me to see how I can personally impact it to the positive along the way! So, now, I have a 4 year plan that I am excited to begin in July. I'll write more about the ease of use as I go along. Give Dave a call. He's a good guy and good guys are super in my book!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
So, posting once a month.....
I'm very excited about the work that I am doing just now with so many new and varied clients. Their stories are rich and important and I'm honored to be a part of their journey. My daily wish is that I can be of some help to each person that I touch. I'm grateful for the clients that come my way. Thank you to the universe for bringing each of them to me.
More in the very near future.....
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Working to your Strengths
I was sitting in my office today, waiting for a client who eventually no-showed. Ok, so I was able to put the time to good use, but please, if you are serious about your mental health issues, please remember that cancelling is an important, and courteous, thing to do. If I'm waiting for you and don't know that you won't show up, I can't offer the time to someone who might really need to be seen and heard. Ok, enough of that.
So, I'm sitting in my office and glanced over at my bookshelf. A book, "Now, Discover Your Strengths" by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton just jumps out at me. I had purchased this book many years ago when I worked for a mental health agency in Houston which shall remain nameless at this juncture. Anyway, I worked in sub-mid-managment and had a staff of 8-10 folks. I believe that I created a really good team of therapists by looking at their strengths and playing on these. Anyway, I bought this book to help myself to know them, and me, better. So, today, I began reading it again and I was completely struck by how this weaves in beautifully with The Nurtured Heart Approach to Transforming Difficult Children (see for more information). In NHA, inform, encourage and teach parents to play to the strengths of their children (and significant others). What I've noticed is that many good-intentioned people are challenged to let go of noticing the mistakes, the flaws. They are challenged to notice instead, in a strong and positive way, the good, successful, right moments and deeds of those around them.
The book begins by talking about really influential and successful people who are not 100% "perfect" - instead the book looks at the fact that these folks like Warren Buffet, Tiger Woods and others "deliberately play to his strengths" (p.21) and CHOOSE not to focus on their weaknesses. They are human and have weaknesses, but these are less important when the strengths are spotlighted.
"Discover Your Strength" defines strength as a "consistent and near perfect performance in an activity" (p. 25). I was particularly impressed and reminded that the simplicity, or limitations of our languaging greatly impacts our choices - the majority of our language about human behavior is one of frailty and weakness. Language for our strengths is by comparison, indeed limited.
So, why do we focus on our weaknesses? They draw so many of us as if moths to a flame, which is an interesting visual, isn't it? Per the book, it appears that we view strengths as "just" strengths, admirable and yet not remarkable. On the other hand, a weakness is, or becomes, an "area of opportunity". Without blame, I notice many of us identifying the flaws or mistakes our children make, amplifying these "areas of opportunity" and what do our children hear? They are not hearing about their Greatness, are they? No. They hear repeatedly as we give great energy to their flaws.
And are they 100% flawed? NO they are not. In fact, I challenge you to consider the percentage of "flaw" in yourself, your significant love or your learning, growing, easily-influened child, what would the number be? EVEN if you CHOSE a number like 25 or 50% flawed, that is still 50-75% NOT FLAWED, or, could we, dare we, say "full of strength and Greatness"? Can we say, glass half full? It is all about perspective and I believe that it is not just important, but necessary, to consider a different perspective.
There is definitely much more to be said about this, so check back. As it is, these are just some thoughts. Have a great day.