Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Never Refreshed

Tell me the last time you did something truly for yourself.

I'll wait.

What stops you from taking care of yourself? Have you asked yourself this question lately?

Is it the notion of feeling selfish? We're taught early on to not be "selfish". And what do we learn so well in not being selfish? We learn to share, to put others first, to grin and be happy that others are happy. I'm wondering about the voice inside your head that silently screamed "What about ME?" When do I get (fill in the blank)? Regardless of whether it is the coveted toy we are forced to share or the moment to go to the bathroom alone, many of us yearn for the very thing we cannot have as we watch others enjoy it. As a child, our reaction might have been tears and tantrums. Tell me about the times, TODAY, when you experience the tears and tantrums and feel 4-years old again. Now, I'm not suggesting that we take all the toys and run. I'm talking about finding and living a balance. If we do not, then our lives suffer, our relationships suffer and our work suffers. If we cannot take care of ourselves, then how can we fully take care of others without becoming resentful of the time we focus on them? I can hear you asking, "Well, how am I supposed to do that?" And how easy it would be if I had a the magic, catch-all answer to post in this very spot. And yet I do not. I do not know your life and your experience. And yet, I believe that I can help you to establish that balance in your life. Call me. Do that for yourself today as you practice the first step in Self-Care. I can help you find the balance you seek.

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