Saturday, February 18, 2012

I'm doing this for me.....

Here on the Texas Gulf Coast we're getting some much needed reprieve from our drought.  Haven't heard any details, but I'm sure that we're still in need of some consistent, well-dispersed, soft rain in order to get us back to where we need to be. Here's hoping that this year fares better, weather-wise!

So, today I'm doing two new things for me.  

I often talk to my clients about doing things for themselves.  Seems that many see this as very selfish behavior - to put themselves first.  I tend to see it very differently. I think we should put ourselves first.  And again, it all comes down to balance.

If I'm "ALWAYS" first, then things are a bit out of balance.  And if I "NEVER" put me first, choosing instead to put others  first, then things are a bit out of balance.  (A bit?  How 'bout a LOT out of balance?)

I've been out of balance for a good while. I think I've been kidding myself that I'm taking care of me, but in actuality - not really.  I'd come home and sit on the couch 'for me'.  I'd treat myself to something 'yummy' (aka 'comfort food') 'for me'.  You might recognize the pattern in yourself or in someone you love and care for.  

So, today, I'm taking better care of me to take better care of my family, my friends and my clients.  I'm going to do something physical and something non-physical which will both bring a level of relaxation.  I'll talk more about them, but for now, just wanted to put it out there that today marks a new day.  

What will you choose to do today for YOU?  Can you choose to be a teeny-tiny bit selfish if it means that you are a better your for yours?  Consider it, won't you?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Make your bed, please.

Good Monday morning to you.  Did you make your bed this morning?  If not, why not?

"I don't have time."  "I'm in a rush."  I might want to get back into it later."

Here's a challenge because I believe that you do have time.  In fact, I know you have time.   This morning, for grins, I timed myself on making the bed.  67.4 seconds.  And, I really wasn't rushing it.   I made sure that I smoothed out the sheets and pulled the blanket tight, even tucking in the extra into the side rails before smoothing out the comforter and plumping up both pillows.  I even added the pretty, decorative pillow, nicely centered, in that timeframe.  

What's the big deal, Delee, with making the bed?  I'm just going to get back into it tonight!

And of course you will!  And just think now how great it feels to pull back the covers on a freshly made bed - almost like being at a hotel only with your stuff all around you.  It's comforting and it's welcoming.  And it feels good.  

But when we're in a rush, it might be the (one of  the) thing(s) that we skip on  our way out of the door, rushing the whole way.  Remember my last post where I encouraged you to sloooowwwww doowwwwnnnn?  Here's another example of slowing it down.  When your bed is made and you look into your bedroom, it looks more put together, more complete ..... more cared for!  Consider for a moment that when you make your bed, you are caring for it, for your home and ultimately, for yourself!   You're planning ahead for how it will feel to end your day.  If your day is not one of your best, at least the ending might be a bit more comforting.  Just a thought.....

And it's not uncommon for me to hear from folks in my office that they do not make their bed.  Often because they are depressed and don't have the energy to do so.  Remember that energy begets energy.  When I talk with someone, I don't immediately rush out to have them consider medications. I want to get to know them and their situation a bit more. So, I might encourage them to do some things differently, which includes making the bed first thing.  I even tell them that I don't mind if they get back in it a few hours later.  But here's the deal - and it's no national secret - a person MIGHT think twice about returning to bed if they have to un-make the bed they took 67.4 seconds to make that morning  .....(especially after I've also encouraged them to get up, take a shower, dress AS IF they are going out for the day).  Basically, I'm asking someone to do one thing differently and see how it feels, see how they experience their life a bit differently that day.  To see if making the bed might change one thing for the better.  

Is this the new 'cure' for depression?  Probably not.  That would be bold of me.  Does it help to lift a spirit or two?  Maybe so!  Is that enough of a change?  For me, it's enough of a change for today.  And isn't it about what I do differently TODAY that might make a teensy-bit-more-of-change tomorrow?  

Just some thoughts.......make it a good one!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sloowwwww doooowwwwnnnnn......

Happy Wednesday to you.  I am writing this to do just that......slow down.  

I've been super busy:  up since 6, away at 7:30 to grab the grandma for a routine Dr. appointment and then to work. The "routine" of the Dr. appointment takes about 3 hours all in all - with about 20 of that actually seeing the doctor.  And, he's really good about seeing us quickly.    

So, the rest of that time goes to driving, encouraging her to do the things that she needs to do to go out, slowly moving out to the car (slower in the cold!), getting her cart into the car, driving to the Dr. and doing most of the above in reverse. See the Doctor, rinse and repeat.  

It's not her's just what is.  And I can appreciate - NOW - that all of this slows me down as well.

For a bit.

Then I get back into 'gotta-get-to-the-office-and-ready-for-my-day' mode.  


So, on my way to grab my lunch before my first client and in the midst of phone calls in and out, I literally slowed myself down.  Made myself be more aware of slower footsteps to my lunch and back to my office.

Here's what's guaranteed - the time will pass whether we hurry or not.  My choice.  Today, I'm choosing to slow it down a bit.  It'll all be here to be done.  

Take care of you today and slooooowwwww it dooooowwwnnnnn, please.